HomeReading TOEFLPembahasan Soal Reading TOEFL #7

Pembahasan Soal Reading TOEFL #7

Pembahasan Soal Reading TOEFL

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The text below is for number 1-5.

The largest of the giant gas planets, Jupiter, with a volume 1,300 times greater than Earth’s, contains more than twice the mass of all the other planets combined. It is thought to be a gaseous and fluid planet without solid surfaces, Had it been somewhat more massive, Jupiter might have attained internal temperatures as high as the ignition point for nuclear reactions, and it would have flamed as a star in its own right. Jupiter and the other giant planets are of a low-density type quite distinct from the terrestrial planets : they are composed predominantly of such substances as hydrogen, helium, ammonia, and methane, unlike terrestrial planets.

Much of Jupiter’s interior might be in the form of liquid, metallic hydrogen, Normally, hydrogen is a gas, but under pressures of millions of kilograms per square centimeter, which exist in the deep interior of Jupiter, the hydrogen atoms might lock together to form a liquid with the properties of a metal. Some scientists believe that
the innermost core of Jupiter might be rocky, or metallic like the core of Earth.

Jupiter rotates very fast, once every 9.8 hours. As a result, its clouds, which are composed largely of frozen and liquid ammonia, have been whipped into alternating dark and bright bands that circle the planet at different speeds in different latitudes. Jupiter’s puzzling Great Red Spot changes size as it hovers in the Southern Hemisphere. Scientists speculate it might be a gigantic hurricane, which because of its large size (the Earth could easily fit inside it), lasts for hundreds of years.

Jupiter gives off twice as much heat as it receives from the Sun. Perhaps this is primeval heat or beat generated by the continued gravitational contraction of the planet. Another starlike characteristic of Jupiter is its sixteen natural satellites, which, like a miniature model of the Solar System, decrease in density with distance—from rocky moons close to Jupiter to icy moons farther away. If Jupiter were about 70 times more massive, it would have become a star, Jupiter is the best-preserved sample of the early solar nebula, and with its satellites, might contain the most important clues about the origin of the Solar System.

1. The word “attained” in line 4 is closest in meaning to ….

(A) attempted
(B) changed
(C) lost
(D) reached

Pembahasan :

Di soal ini, kita diminta untuk mencari sinonim dari kata ‘attained’, tentu saja dalam Bahasa Inggris. Kata ‘attained’, yang artinya mencapai, pada soal tersebut sama artiannya dengan kata ‘reached’ yang artinya menggapai. Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah : (D) reached

2. The word “flamed” in line 5 is closest in meaning to ….

(A) burned
(B) divided
(C) fallen
(D) grown

Pembahasan :

Sama seperti nomor sebelumnya, kita diminta untuk mencari sinonim Bahasa Inggris dari kata ‘flamed’. Ya, soal ini memang sangat mudah jika anda mengetahui arti kata ‘flamed’ yang berarti ‘terbakar’. Kata ‘burned’ sangat cocok dengan arti dari kata ‘terbakar’ dikarenakan artinya memang sama. Jadi, jawaban soal tersebut adalah : (A) burned

3. The word “they” in line 6 refers to ….

(A) nuclear reactions
(B) giant planets
(C) terrestrial
(D) substances

Pembahasan :

Nah, di soal ini, kita bisa melihat bahwa kata ‘they’ adalah kata yang mengaitkan kata tersebut dengan planet Jupiter. Di konteks soal tersebut, apa itu Jupiter? Itulaha jawaban soal ini. Dengan demikian, Jupiter pada soal tersebut merupakan : (B) giant planets

4. According to the passage, hydrogen can become a metallic-like liquid when it is ….

(A) extremely hot
(B) under intense pressure
(C) similar atmospheres
(D) metallic cores

Pembahasan :

Pada soal tersebut, kita harus mencari kata yang menunjukkan bagaiaman sebuah hidrogen, yang berupa gas, bisa menjadi benda padat. Nah di paragraf tersebut kita bisa melihat bahwa hidrogen bisa menjadi padat dikarenakan tekanan yang besar dari planet Jupiter. Maka dari itu, jawaban soal ini adalah : (B) under intense pressure

5. According to the passage, some scientists believe Jupiter and Earth are similar in that they both have …..

(A) solid surfaces
(B) similar masses
(C) similar atmospheres
(D) metallic cores

Pembahasan :

Di soal tersebut, kita tinggal mencari kata kunci ‘Jupiter’ dan ‘Earth’ pada kalimat yang mengandung kedua kata tersebut. Nah, bisa kita lihat ada satu kalimat diantara barisan paragraf tersebut yang mengandung informasi tersebut. Ya, jawaban soal ini adalah : (D) metallic cores

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  1. Aulia
    November 25, 2024

    Pembahasan soalnya mudah dipahami, terimakasih…

  2. Doni
    November 25, 2024

    Wah bermanfaat sekali… terimakasih…

  3. Kinar
    November 25, 2024

    Sangat berguna pembahasannya… terimakasih….

  4. Bianca
    November 25, 2024

    Terimakasih English Fast, senang belajar di website ini….

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