HomeReading TOEFLContoh Soal TOEFL Reading dan Pembahasannya #8
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Contoh Soal TOEFL Reading dan Pembahasannya #8

Contoh Soal TOEFL Reading dan Pembahasannya

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Contoh Soal Reading TOEFL

The text below is for numbers 1-3

Chickenpox is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by the Varicella zoster virus; sufferers develop a fleeting itchy rash that can spread throughout the body. The disease can last for up to 14 days and can occur in both children and adults, though the young are particularly vulnerable. Individuals infected with chickenpox can expect to experience a high but tolerable level of discomfort and a fever as the disease works its way through the system. The ailment was once considered to be a “rite of passage” by parents in the U.S. and thought to provide children with greater and improved immunity to other forms of sickness later in life. This view, however, was altered after additional research by scientists demonstrated unexpected dangers associated with the virus. Over time, the fruits of this research have transformed attitudes toward the disease and the utility of seeking preemptive measures against it.

1. The word ‘tolerable’ in the passage is closest in meaning to ….

(A) sudden
(B) bearable
(C) infrequent
(D) unexpected

Pembahasan :

Kata ‘tolerable’ berarti ‘dapat ditahan’. Nah, dari keempat ini, kita bisa langsung mencari tahu arti dari keempat kata tersebut. Dari keempat pilihan tersebut, mari kita terjemahkan satu per satu: (A) sudden berarti ‘tiba-tiba’. (B) bearable berarti ‘lumayan’. (C) infrequent berarti ‘kadang-kadang’. (D) unexpected berarti ‘tidak terduga’. Nah, disini kata ‘bearable’ dalam konteks tersebut juga bisa berartikan sakit yang lumayan bisa ditahan. Oleh karena itu jawabannya adalah : (B) bearable

2. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of the chickenpox virus ?

(A) It leads to a potentially deadly disease in adults
(B) It is associated with a possibly permanent rash
(C) It is easily transmittable by an infected individual
(D) It has been virtually eradicated in the modern world

Pembahasan :

Di soal ini, kita diminta untuk mencari yang benar mengenai cacar di paragraf pertama. Nah, dari keempat jawaban tersebut, (A) tidak tepat karena hal ini juga terjadi pada anak-anak. (B) juga tidak, dikarenakan adanya kata ‘fleeting’ (sebentar) untuk mendeskripsikan rash (bintil) karena cacar. (D) juga bukan karena masih banyak kasus cacar di dunia modern. Di paragraf tersebut, dapat dibaca sebuah kalimat yang artinya: ‘highly contagious’. Dikarenakan itu, jawabannya adalah : (C) it is easily transmittable by an infected individual

3. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence ?

(A) U.S. parents believed that having chickenpox benefited their children
(B) U.S. parents believed that chickenpox led to immunity against most sickness
(C) U.S. parents wanted to make sure that their children developed chickenpox
(D) U.S. parents did not think that other vaccinations were needed after chickenpox

Pembahasan :

Untuk soal ini, kita harus mengetahui bagian soal yang benar itu yang seperti apa dan diuraikan kembali. Pada paragraf tersebut dapat dilihat bahwa orang tua di Amerika berpikir bahwa cacar adalah suatu ritual kedewasaan yang memberikan imunitas bagi anak-anak mereka. Kata kunci imunitas tersebut membawa kita pada jawaban : (B) U.S. parents believed that chickenpox led to immunity against most sickness

Contoh Soal Reading TOEFL

The text below is for number 4-5

A vaccine against chickenpox was originally invented by Michiaki Takahashi, a Japanese doctor and research scientist, in the mid-1960s. Dr. Takahashi began his work to isolate and grow the virus in 1965 and in 1972 began clinical trials with a live but weakened form of the virus that caused the human body to create antibodies. Japan and several other countries began widespread chickenpox vaccination programs in 1974. However, it took over 20 years for the chickenpox vaccine to be approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), finally earning the U.S. government’s seal of approval for widespread use in 1995. Yet even though the chickenpox vaccine was available and recommended by the FDA, parents did not immediately choose to vaccinate their children against this disease. Mothers and fathers typically cited the notion that chickenpox did not constitute a serious enough disease against which a person needed to be vaccinated.

4. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about the clinical trials for the chickenpox vaccine ?

(A) They took longer than expected
(B) They cost a lot of money to complete
(C) They took a long time to finish
(D) They were ultimately successful

Pembahasan :

Untuk soal ini, seperti soal pada paragraf sebelumnya, kita harus mencari jawaban yang benar dari keempat jawaban yang tersedia. Dari paragraf tersebut, kita bisa melihat bahwa yang difokuskan adalah sesi uji coba klinis dari cacar tersebut, dan akhirnya sukses. Yang sangat lama adalah proses penerimaan vaksin cacar di Amerika Serikat. Dengan demikian, jawabannya adalah : (D) They were ultimately successful

5. The word ‘notion’ in the passage is closest in meaning to ….

(A) history
(B) findings
(C) fact
(D) belief

Pembahasan :

Untuk soal ini, kita kembali mencari kata yang ada di dalam paragraf. Setelah mendapati penempatan kata tersebut, kita diminta untuk mencari sinonim kata tersebut. Kata ‘notion’ berarti gagasan, dan kata yang paling cocok artinya dengan gagasan dapat kita lihat langsung dengan mengartikan jawaban-jawaban tersebut. (A) history berarti ‘sejarah’. (B) findings berarti ‘penemuan’. (C) fact berarti ‘fakta’. (D) belief berarti ‘kepercayaan’.

Untuk kalimat dimana ‘notion” ditempatkan, kata itu menjelaskan tentang orang tua yang percaya bahwa vaksin tidak dibutuhkan untuk menyembuhkan cacar. Dari keempat jawaban tersebut, kata kunci ‘percaya’ mengarahkan kita langsung ke jawaban : (D) belief

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  1. Aulia
    November 25, 2024

    Pembahasan soalnya mudah dipahami, terimakasih…

  2. Doni
    November 25, 2024

    Wah bermanfaat sekali… terimakasih…

  3. Kinar
    November 25, 2024

    Sangat berguna pembahasannya… terimakasih….

  4. Bianca
    November 25, 2024

    Terimakasih English Fast, senang belajar di website ini….

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