HomePosts tagged “toefl”


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Cara Belajar TOEFL Otodidak Cara belajar TOEFL otodidak ? memangnya bisa ? tentu bisa dong. Teman-teman pasti sudah tidak asing...
Tips Mendapat Skor TOEFL Maksimal Cara mendapat skor TOEFL maksimal , kira-kira bagaimana ya ? Sudah sering mengikuti tes TOEFL...
5 Channel Youtube Buat Belajar TOEFL Apakah teman-teman tau kalau ternyata teman-teman bisa belajar TOEFL dimana saja dengan menonton channel...
TOEFL Reading Test 6 (1) The tern “art deco” has come to encompass three distinct but related design trends of...
TOEFL Reading Test 5 The largest of the giant gas planets, Jupiter, with a volume 1,300 times greater than Earth’s,...
TOEFL Reading Test 4 (1) In 1972, a century after the first national park in the United States was established...
TOEFL Reading Test 3 (1) From their inception, most rural neighborhoods in colonial North America included at least one carpenter,...
TOEFL Reading Test 2 (1) Cities develop as a result of functions that they can perform. Some functions result directly...
TOEFL Reading Test 1 Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution (1) Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is known as one of...