Latihan TOEFL Structure 6

Jawab Pertanyaan Berikut !!!!

1. Underlying aerodynamics and (all) other (branches) of theoretical mechanics (are) the laws of motion (who) were developed in the seventeenth century.

2. (Was opened) in 1918, the Philips Collection (in) Washington, D.C., was the first museum in the United States (devoted) to modern (art).

3. A mortgage (enables) a person (to buy) property (without) paying for it outright; thus more people are able to enjoy (to own) a house.

4. (Alike) ethnographers, ethnohistorians (make) systemic observations, but they (also) gather data from documentary and oral (sources).

5. Basal body temperature (refers) to the (most lowest) temperature of a (healthy) individual (during) waking hours.