Kuis TOEFL Written Expression 2

Pilihlah Jawaban Yang Tepat Pada Soal-Soal Berikut Ini! Total 10 Soal.

1. (Despite) the fact that lemurs are (general) nocturnal, the ring-tailed lemur (travels) by day in bands of four (to) twelve individuals.

2. The Western world is beset (with) the range of (problem) that characterize (mature), postindustrial (societies).

3. Acrylic (paints) are (either) applied (using) a knife or diluted and (spreading) with a paintbrush.

4. Some marine invertebrates, (such as the) sea urchin and the starfish, (migrates) from deep water (to shallow) during spring and early summer (to spawn).

5. Marshes, wetland (areas characterized) by plant (grassy growth), are distinguished (from) swamps, wetlands (where trees) grown.

6. Wampum, beads used as (a form) of exchange (by) some Native Americans, was made of (bits of) seashells cut, (drill), and strung into belts.

7. Kangaroos use (their) long and (powerful) tails (for) balance themselves (when sitting) upright or jumping.

8. Proper city planning (provides) for the (distribution) of public utilities, public buildings, parks, and (recreation centers), and for adequate and (the inexpensive) housing.

9. (Most) traditional dances are (made up) of a prearranged series of steps and movements, but modern dancers are generally (free to) move as they (choice).

10. Copper was the first (metallic) used by humans (and) is second only (to iron) in its utility through (the ages).