Latihan TOEFL Structure 3

Jawab Pertanyaan Berikut !!!!

1.  A (variation) of collodion photography was the tintype, (which) captured images on a black (or) dark brown metal plate (instead from) on glass.

2. (In cases of) minor injury (to) the brain, amnesia is (likely) to be a (temporarily) condition.

3. The (system) of chemical symbols, first devised about 1800 gives a concise and (instantly) recognizable description of (a) element (or) compound.

4. (The fact that) white light is light (composed of) various wavelengths may be (demonstrating) by dispersing a beam of (such) light through a prism.

5. (Over) the course of history, (much) civilizations developed (their own) number (systems).