Latihan TOEFL Structure 16

Jawab Pertanyaan Berikut !!!!

1. (Electrical) disturbances on Earth (are frequently) caused (with) storms (on the surface) of the sun.

2. Inventor Granville Woods received (him) first patent (on) January 3, 1884, (for) a (steam) boiler furnace.

3. A (deficient) of folic acid (is rarely found) in humans (because) the vitamin is contained (in) a wide variety of foods.

4. The gopher (digs) with the big strong claws of (its) two front (foot) and with its (overhanging) front teeth.

5. An internationally (famous ballerina), Maria Tallchief (demonstrated) that (the) quality of ballet in North America could equal (those) of the ballet in Europe.