Kuis TOEFL Written Expression 1

Pilihlah Jawaban Yang Tepat Pada Soal-Soal Berikut Ini! Total 15 Soal.

1. A (variation) of collodion photography was the tintype, (which) captured images on a black (or) dark brown metal plate (instead from) on glass.

2. (In cases of) minor injury (to) the brain, amnesia is (likely) to be a (temporarily) condition.

3. The (system) of chemical symbols, first devised about 1800 gives a concise and (instantly) recognizable description of (a) element (or) compound.

4. (The fact that) white light is light (composed) of various wavelengths may be (demonstrating) by dispersing a beam of (such) light through a prism.

5. (Over) the course of history, (much) civilizations developed (their own) number (systems).

6. In the United States during the Second World War, (each) trade unions (and) employers avoided federal limits on wages (by) offering (employees) nontaxable medical benefits.

7. Philosophy is (the study) of the nature of reality, knowledge, (existent), and (ethics) (by means) of rational inquiry.

8. Poems vary in (length) (from) brief lyric poems to (narrative) or epic poems, which can be as broad in scope (than) a novel.

9. The population of California (more than) doubled (during the) period 1940-1960, creating problems in road-building and (provide) water for its arid (southern section).

10. Although (based it on) feudal models, the colony of Pennsylvania (developed) a (reputation for) a (progressive political) and social outlook.

11. (Hard) and resistant to corrosion, bronze (is traditionally) used in bell casting and is the material used (widely most) for metal (sculpture).

12. The Appalachian Mountains (formation) a natural barrier (between) the eastern seaboard and the vast (lowlands) of the continental (interior) of North America.

13. The United States census (for) 1970 (showed that) the French-speaking residents of Louisiana (were) one of the country’s most compact regional linguistic (minority).

14. (When used) as food (additives), antioxidants prevent fats and oils from (become) rancid when exposed to air, (and thus) extend their shelf life.

15. Copper was the first (metallic) used by humans (and) is second only (to iron) in its utility through (the ages).